Mac photoshop shift command e
Mac photoshop shift command e

mac photoshop shift command e

On the right you can turn layer filtering on and off.

mac photoshop shift command e

You can also search a layer by entering a keyword. However in version CS6 you have these Filter Options at the top of the Layers panel instead where you can filter your layers. This also works with Adjustment layers, Fill layers, Smart Objects etc. Quickly select all of your Type layers by targeting one in the Layers panel and then choose Select > Similar Layers.Uncheck the " Add copy to Copied Layers and Groups" checkbox if you don't want Photoshop to add " copy" to each Layer or Layer Group you copy.Choose " Use Default Masks on Fill layers" to automatically add masks to Fill layers and " Expand New Effects" to display the contents of layer styles when applied.

mac photoshop shift command e

Choose Change Thumbnail Contents to either " Layer Bounds" (in general this will display a larger preview of layers containing minimal content), or to " Entire Document" (which will generally display layer content smaller, in relationship to the entire document). Select a desired Thumbnail Size (note: if your image is significantly wider than it is high, selecting the smaller icon sizes might display the generic icon for Adjustment layers more often).

  • Change preview settings for Layer thumbnails by selecting Panel Options from the Layers panel fly-out.
  • To make all layers visible (as oppose to only those that were previously visible), Control (Mac) / right mouse (Win) - click the layer's eye icon and select " Show/Hide all other layers".
  • Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) -click on a layer's eye icon to hide all other layers, Option (Mac) / Alt (Win) - click again to toggle all previously visible layers.
  • When you add the Option key on (Mac) / Alt (Win) you add a new layer without displaying the dialog.
  • Command (Mac) / Control (Win) + Shift + N will add a new layer and display the New Layer dialog box.

  • Mac photoshop shift command e